Meet the face
behind the website
Marissa is a doctoral candidate studying the perceptions of digitally mediated soundscapes and its impact on conservation measures. She specializes in digital humanities and media at UCF's Texts and Technology program. Her most recent work can be found on the projects and publications page.
She has presented papers on Tweets and Power, and Ethics and AI in Autonomous Vehicles at UCF’s Center for Ethics. Her national and international presentations were on feminism, communications, and publics in TV/film and Twitter.
Her past research focused on statistical analysis, software development, queer geographies and politics. Works can be found in Queerying Planning: Challenging Heteronormative Assumptions and Reframing Planning Practice (Dr. P. Doan, ed.). Clients and project partners included AutoDesk Denver & Ottawa, Rolta India, Pakistan NGO, National Fair Housing Association, and the City of Seattle.
Marissa earned her MSP in urban and regional planning from Florida State University, and focused on transportation, GIS, research, and applications.
More about Marissa’s research experience can be found on her CV. You can reach her via email.